Saturday, August 1, 2009

What a Freaking Day...

This has been a bad day. I have an earache, a sore throat, sensitive skin and I’m running fever. I just love fibro. I think my body is totally malfunctioning at this point. I almost had a nervous breakdown because I thought I had lost my wedding ring, but turns out that I just forgot to put it on. My memory has definitely seen better days. It scares me to think of what else I forget to do during the day. Did I remember to put my underwear on this morning? I just have to keep moving along though. As they say…the show must go on. If I had some kind of disease like cancer or crippling arthritis or even lupus then people would be more understanding when I’m just not feeling like myself, but with fibro not many people understand and if I spend the day in bed because of the pain, fatigue and fever then I’m just lazy and I’m using the fibro as an excuse. It’s very rare that I will actually stay in bed all day. It has to be a really bad flare and thankfully those are not very often. I have to accomplish something during the day even if it’s just washing the dishes or doing a load of laundry. I don’t want to feel like the fibro is taking over and defeating me. I have to stay in control or I’m going to lose the little bit of “me” that I still have. I’m about to go to a parade and I really want to go, but it’s going to be hot and considering I have a heat intolerance I’m a little bit worried about this. This has caused me to have a vitamin D deficiency, because I can’t handle being in the sun for very long. I get physically sick, it feels like my blood pressure goes up and I start sweating like a man. I’m sure that’s a very attractive quality to have. Thank God I’m married to a very understanding man. Anyways I’m kind of afraid of how the rest of the day will go. Hopefully I can get through without anything worse happening.


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