Thursday, August 6, 2009

Be Brilliant!

The last couple of days have been difficult to say the least. I did manage to clean most of house yesterday, which was a great accomplishment for me these days. I can’t believe that something that use to be so easy for me is now so difficult. It frustrates me, but I’m managing okay. The dishes are clean most of the time and we have clean clothes so things are pretty good. I try to focus on the things that I can do instead of those that I can’t do anymore. I decided that, that would be a lot easier on the soul. I’m a naturally happy person so I really don’t dig people or situations that try to keep down. It’s easier to live life happy than miserable. Life is hard enough without a shit load of negativity to deal with. That’s why I said from the beginning if you don’t like something I say then whatever…you can tell me about it or you can quit reading my blog. If you do decide to tell me about it don’t get mad if I don’t argue with you. Life’s too short…state your opinion and move on. I guess I need to go do something productive now. If anyone has any ideas on what I can cook for supper please let me know. Hope everyone is having a great day…be brilliant!


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