Sunday, August 16, 2009

Finding Inner Happiness

I wrote this article years ago and it's one of my favorites because I stepped out of my comfort zone in order to write it. I posted it in my original blog and now I thought I would give it new life and share it with you here. That long enduring relationship is over. The one you spent so much time and love on. Now you’re left wondering if your life will ever be the same. Tears and pain are all you know and you ask yourself the same question every day, “Will I ever find true happiness?” True happiness comes from within. We just have to learn to bring out our inner happiness. Do you feel you need a man to be happy? It took me two years to realize that if you’re not happy with a man, then you don’t have true happiness with a man. I’ve learned to be happy by myself and my happiness from within is with me through good days and bad days. Inner happiness gives you the strength to move on from those bad times and live your life in peace. Of course it’s hard at first. It may even sound impossible, but anything worth doing or learning is going to be hard. I’ve made it through many obstacles recently because I’ve found my inner happiness and so can you. Don’t wait for a man or a good day to be happy. Happiness is in your heart, and it’s only a heartbeat away. Many women rely on men and material things to make them happy. Some women feel that the compassion of a man is more important than their own goals and well-being. Having a good man by your side is a nice feeling, but it is more enjoyable when you have taken care of yourself first. Sometimes when we are in relationships we lose connection with our needs. Our goals and dreams get put aside and the man somehow floats to the top of our priority list. It’s not done intentionally but I’ve found in my observations that sometimes it just happens. It happened to me. I didn’t want it to and I denied it for a long time, until I finally woke up and realized that I was behind on all my goals in life, and no matter how hard I tried to be happy I couldn’t be. Some women would do anything to have a man by her side. These are the women who are always crying about how they need a man and that they can’t handle being single. They don’t need a man but they long for that compassion that only a man can give us. Having a boyfriend will make you happy, but that happiness sometimes feels that it was given to us by an Indian giver. Have you ever been in a relationship where you’re happy one day and you’re totally miserable the next. That Indian giver snatched our happiness right back. I lived this way for two years. My life was a major emotional roller coaster. If my relationship wasn’t going the way I wanted it to I couldn’t be happy about anything. I let material things determine my happiness. This isn’t a healthy way for anyone to live. The divorce rate is climbing to an unbelievable high and it really amazes me when I see a young couple still hanging in there. Recently I met a twenty-six year old mother of three who has been married for almost nine years. When you enter their home it’s the American Dream. Their love and support for each other cannot even be described in words. Although they married at a young age they continue to conquer their dreams together. They are a perfect example of the long lasting effects of true happiness. They’re living out the American Dream and it’s such an uplifting sight. I wish everything could be so beautiful but the world is full of so many painful things. We’ve all seen marriages being torn apart by infidelity and insecurities , innocent girls being both physically and emotionally abused by spouses and boyfriends and what I feel is the worst, a young girl in great depression because she can’t find a good man. A girl who doesn’t even have enough faith in herself to live alone much less go after her dreams. We all must learn to bring out our inner happiness because if we rely solely on material things to make us happy then we are going to miss out on so many important things in life. The world may end tomorrow and we must ask ourselves if we will have anything to show for our time here on earth. We don’t want to die with regrets. It is a given that we all want to be happy and finding our inner happiness is the first step to a happy eventful life, with a side order of accomplished dreams. Receive happiness from within your heart by achieving your goals, making all your dreams reality, and by knowing that you can take care of yourself, for only then will you know that you can take care of someone else. Leave the past behind and create the destiny of your dreams. This true happiness from within will never fade because it becomes a part of your life that you are proud of and that others will recognize. Leave your mark in his world. As you go through life from here when something goes wrong it may get you down, but this time you’ll see it as only a stumbling block instead of a mountain blocking your way.


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