Well I’m still awake. I could probably go to sleep now, but I have a million things to do so I’m going to push myself until I just can’t anymore. I know, I know…that’s not exactly the healthiest thing for me to do, but I gotta do what I gotta do. The Fibro is cooperating for the most part, which is very surprising considering the pain I was in this morning. I’m still hurting, but it’s tolerable for the most part so all is well there.
I’m not really sure what brought on the insomnia again. I’m not really sure why I still question the crazy occurrences that Fibromyalgia causes. I should know by now that most of the time there is no rhyme or reason for the symptoms of this wicked illness. That’s just the way it is and it frustrates the living hell out of me, but really what can I do? Deal with it and live my life the best I can. Yup that’s it….deal with it.
I’m so exhausted. Every part of me just wants to cuddle up in my blankets and crash, but I still feel like I need to get all this stuff done first. I’m so tired though I don’t know if I’ll actually accomplish anything. Oh well, maybe I will, maybe I won’t. I’ll let you know in the next post.