Thursday, January 20, 2011

Total Body Malfunction

It's been a rough week in the Fibromyalgia and health in general department.  I had excruciating pain in my ribs that sent me to the emergency room.  While I was there I found out my blood pressure was 200/120 and that I was about to have a stroke and that I had an ear infection. I got a shot in the butt for the pain that didn't start working for 2 hours and meds for everything else.

It's been a week today since all that happened and I'm still not right.  I went to my doctor yesterday and I still have the ear infection and my blood pressure is far from normal, but hopefully I can get my body back on track so I can attempt to be as normal as posssible.  Ha Tina be normal....that's kind of funny, but anyways.

I started working again today and I just hope that nothing else goes wrong on me.  I have a lot to catch up on and I definitely don't have time to be that sick again.  I guess none of us with chronic illnesses have time to be sick, but we kind of have to learn to deal with it.  One thing for sure is that this has scared me into taking better care of myself.  If I would have been doing it all along I wouldn't have had to go through this hell, but oh well shit happens.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and a most awesome weekend.


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