Friday, May 14, 2010

Promoting Positive Change

This week has been a trying one.  I’ve been hit with one thing after another and on top of all that I’m in the middle of a very bad Fibro flare.  Life can be so full of unpleasant things.  People lie, promises are broken and you’re always left wondering what the hell to believe.  I guess life is life though.  We can bitch and complain or we can find ways to improve it.  That’s easier said than done, but it can be done…so I’ve heard.  I haven’t quite got to that point yet.  My life consists of a lot of bitching and even more complaining.  I’m not perfect and I don’t try present myself to be! 

My goal for the next few days is to do a little less bitching and a little more improving.  My life is in desperate need of a positive change.  What are some things you do to promote a positive change in your life?


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