Holy hell I haven't been here in a while. I'm so ashamed! I've decided that I’m going to stop complaining and
feeling bad for not writing and just start writing again. So the next few days I’m going to write about
anything and everything just to get myself back to the writing mentality I used
to have. Writing is my life and I haven’t
been living. It’s been like my brain got
stuck in the off position and every time I thought about writing all I could
see was a black wall of nothing. I don’t
know if it’s because of the pain or if something else is going on in my head,
but it has to stop. You can’t fulfill your
dreams by sitting on your butt, watching a million episodes of Law &
Order. All that gets you is a sore butt
and wicked nightmares…really wicked nightmares!
I hope everyone has been more brilliant than I have for the last
few months! Have an awesome