Friday, August 19, 2011

My Safe Place

Facebook has become my safe place to express my feelings about being sick because more than half of my friends on there know what it’s like to live with a chronic invisible illness. Most of my friends on Facebook have either Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lyme disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. (I know there are more, but my mind went blank.) Some of them, like me, have two or more.  

When I started Facebook it was just like any other social network, but over the last two years it has turned into a support group that has gotten me through so many bad days.  It’s hard not to feel crazy when you have one of these illnesses because the symptoms can be totally off the wall, so when you have so many other people who talk about feeling exactly the way you do it helps to ease your mind and lets you know every day that you’re not alone in this battle. Especially when you have so many people in your life who don’t believe that you’re really that sick and that exercise is all you need to live a normal life. My question for them is if exercise is going to save me then why did I ever get sick in the first place?  I was an extremely active kid and as I got older I worked out almost every day.  I was skinny remember?  It wasn’t until I started getting sicker that I started slowing down.  You try living normally when it feels like you’re body is giving up.

I tell people that if they really want to get to know me then just had me on Facebook.  Look at my status updates and my wall posts and you will understand my world a little better.  If you really pay attention then it will be easy for you to see why I get angry, sad and sometimes want to give up.  This life isn’t an easy one, but it’s mine and if you really get to know me then you will see that I do everything in my power to make it the best it can be.  You think I dwell on being sick when actually my actions are all about being understood and learning to live despite being sick.

The greatest thing I’ve learned in this journey is that the physical pain may be constant, but the emotional pain doesn’t have to be.  I can still live…I can still be happy…I can still be me-I’m just me with Fibromyalgia now and that’s okay with me.  It’s all part of the master plan.  If you want me to deny that I’m sick and pretend like I can do everything you can do then there’s no place for you in my life anymore.  Denying that I’m sick is denying who I am and I won’t do that for anyone.  I refuse to lose myself again.

So for all those special people not only on Facebook but in my life…you know who you are…thank you for just letting me be me and not ever questioning the way I live my life.  It’s because of all of you that I can continue to move forward and grow.

I hope everyone has an awesome day. Be brilliant!


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