It’s days like this that remind that something is seriously wrong with me. I over did it today and I’m having extreme muscle spasms in my left arm and neck. I wish I could know what it feels like to have a busy productive day and just be tired with aching feet. No muscle spasms, no aching body, no headaches and none of the other million crazy things that are going on inside of me. I just want to be “normal”, but I know I’ll never be.
My Rheumatologist asked me if I was depressed. I told him no, but it’s impossible not to be sometimes when you’re living with a chronic pain condition. There are always days like today that make you want to throw yourself a pity party. I told him no because I don’t spend 24/7 in bed feeling hopeless. I live out every day to the best of my ability and some days are awesome and other days are horrible. That’s the way life is with Fibromyalgia.
I had a good day today, but I over did it so tomorrow is probably going to be a little difficult to get through. That’s okay…I’ll get through it. I always do. I may cry and I may scream at the time of lungs that I hate Fibro, but I will make it through. No one understands those of us who have Fibro and they probably never will, but that’s okay because we understand each other and that’s more than enough to get us through a bad day.
Good night to all my friends, family and Fibro-friends. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Even if it’s not so good, remember to feel blessed anyway!
Domestic Violence: The Behavioral Traits of an Abuser
Every 9 seconds a woman is abused and every 37.8 seconds a man is abused in
the United States. Abusers tend to share certain behavioral traits and
those ...
9 years ago